There it was, on the little message area of Facebook, my first request for on line sex.
“Online only,” the perp has keyed. The perp has a made up name, and, I’m fairly certain, a fraudulent picture. The name is generic as all hell, and the image he posts of himself is beefcake on a motorcycle. Here’s part of what he wrote:
“Online only, safe fun and I am going to make you cum.”
Ha, ha, very clever. The English teacher in me wants to scold him: “incorrect usage of cum which refers to excretions not a physiological response.” But of course, I’m not going to write him back. In the note before that, one I didn’t answer either, he told me I was pretty, he told me I was hot. And I wonder how many of these he puts out there a day. A president of a big advertising agency I used to work for, always made a play for the new girls on their very first day at work. (Yes, if that doesn’t date me, I don’t know what does!) One was called in to the big guy’s office at the end of the day, one was offered a drink, and was told in rather plain unromantic language, what would happen if one said yes, which was getting to work on the best accounts, a front office, higher Christmas bonuses, the list went on…and I had thought the guy was sort of sexy when I got hired. Before, the astonishing, though not surprising power play. I was living with my husband in those days, who was my boyfriend, and I told him about it when I got home from work.
“What did you say?” he wanted to know.
“I said I was going home to make dinner for my boyfriend.”
The women who are out there today have no idea what they don’t have to go through. It’s shocking really. Still, to this day, I’m sure the wider you cast your net, the more fish you’ll catch. Which is what I’m guessing Mr. “safe fun” is doing. Hitting on every new “friend” who (dare I say) comes his way.