“Ever do it with one of your patients?” This, she asked him a few minutes after one of the best orgasms of her life. She was still underneath, he was pressed against her, covering the back of her on the examining table where he’d thoughtfully laid a long cushion and placed a pillow for her face. Both smelled faintly of the antiseptic they used here at the vet hospital.
“Depends on what you mean by done it?”
“You know what I mean!”
“Are you calling me a dog fucker?” He laughed and she liked his deep hearty laugh, which was cheery, and sort of bark-y.
Photo: Joel Goodman
He rolled off her now. She in turn rolled over. Her skirt was hiked up. She pulled her underwear up. And he smoothed her skirt down. She sat up, and he hoisted himself up and sat down right next to her on the examining table.
“What do you weigh? Should we go weigh you before I tell you about it?”
She followed him out of the examining room and into a larger office where there was a great big metal scale, the kind suitable for four legged creatures.
“Step on!” he told her and patted her backside again.” That’s a good girl.”
“One forty one.” And patted her behind again. “Too many treats!”
Why weigh her? It seemed kinky at best. But maybe there was a deeper, darker reason, like how much would it take to put her out?
A chill shuddered down her spine. A minute before, she’d been elated, now she was terrified. She glanced over at him furtively.
He, Dr. T., though many years older than she, unlike her husband, or herself or her stepchildren for that matter, was in nearly perfect trim. No excess gut, lovely muscled arms, and what had felt like equally muscled thighs, not that she really saw that much. She wished she were still in therapy. She’d walk in and announce, “I did it with the vet doggy style!” But maybe she’d never see any shrink again. Could it be he lured her here to fuck her then kill her?
“Go sit on the couch in the waiting room and I’ll join you in a sec,” Dr. T smiled. She did as she was told in so far as going back to the waiting room. But she stood staring at the bulletin board, the one that had started this whole ball rolling, so to speak.
It had been last week when she brought in Freddie, their long haired dachshund who had erupted with hot spots, following a very intense week long Santa Ana at the end of September. The hot dry winds were over now, thank God, and so were Freddie’s hot spots. But she, her husband and her step-children were still going at it. Freddie was her only comfort. Her husband defended his children, they knew it and wouldn’t listen to anything she had to say, even if it was she who was home cooking for them after work, checking on their homework, scheduling their appointments, while he stayed as long he wanted to and needed to at the office. Sometimes until 9 at night. God she hated teenagers, especially teenagers who still needed to be driven places. The nerve of them, just sitting there with sullen faces, thinking they deserved this and more.
She’d been standing in front of the bulletin board staring at the adoption notices. A five-year-old yellow mix breed looking for his forever home. Same thing with a white cat, a teacup poodle. All God’s children want their forever home.
At that moment, the thought entered her mind: I’m in my forever home and I’ll never have fun again.
One thing led to another, and here she was after sex with a sex maniac vet or a serial killer or both. She thought of running out the door, but she was desperate to hear his story.
He entered the waiting room carrying two large plastic cups full of wine. He sat down quietly next to her. He was as quiet as a cat she thought. She took a sip. Delicious expensive wine. Drugged?
“I did have an affair with the most beautiful German Sheppard I’d ever laid eyes on. She was golden with black marks, and the minute our eyes met it was love at first sight. For both of us.”
“Oh my God!”
“Her owner had left her to be spayed, but I couldn’t. She weighed more than you. She, how can I forget, weighed one forty five!”
“Like me, too many treats! What was her name?”
“What happened how did it end?”
Dr. T. stared straight into her eyes. He had deep dark velvety eyes that looked right through her.
“I’m a vet. I don’t fuck animals. That was a shaggy dog story.”
“Shaggy dog?”
“Jesus,” he declared. “You come from a whole different generation. How old are you?”
“Forty three!”
“And how old are you?” she ventured.
“Never mind! Finish your wine and I’ll walk you to the car.”
It was very dark in the parking lot. Off toward the ocean a sliver of a moon with a star shined and twinkled near by. They stood together and he turned to kiss her. It was a beautiful kiss that she was almost sure meant goodbye.
“May I ask you something?”
“Go right ahead.”
“If I came to you, with some horrible disease, and I was suffering terribly, would you put me down?”
“Probably not.”
“I didn’t think you would.”
“Where are you going?” she asked presently. “Home, to your wife?”
“I’m divorced,” he stated matter of factly.
“I’m going back to my forever home. You know how it is.”
He shut her door, she started the engine and the last time she saw Dr. T. his chin was raised to the sky. It pleased her to imagine he was howling at the moon.