I’ve signed at least two on line petitions this week to abolish the Confederate Flag. Though my husband says, “why would you do that? “what about free speech?” Me, I’m thinking it would be great never to see that symbol of divisiveness and bigotry waving like a slap in the face to any African American person. And in fact, I’ve never forgiven the ACLU for supporting the Nazi’s right to march in Skokie all those years ago. I’d be only too happy to attend a ceremonial Confederate Flag burning. After all, waving a Confederate Flag isn’t that much different than waving a Nazi flag. If you think that’s an exaggeration, just check out what was happening when each of these flags were in their hey days!
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Nazi Flag | Confederate Flag |
Jew is a non person, can’t own property | Black is a non person, can’t own property |
Jews work as slave labor for a variety of industries: Bayer, Grumann, etc. | Blacks work as slave labor on plantations |
War to declare Jews non-people | War to uphold slavery |
Miscegenation illegal | Miscegenation illegal |
Families Split up | Families split up |
Women raped by soldiers | Women raped by slave owners |
Mixed race differentiations i.e. Mischling | Quadroons, Octoroons |
The lists truly go on and on.
That’s why I like those multi colored New Age flags for sale in Tibetan Shops, and yoga studios. And the peace flag too! Let us not forget that nice looking peace flag.
Isn’t it time the South just gives it up and says “we’re sorry, =our ancestors were brutes.. We won’t wave that revolting symbol of everything that’s wrong with this country ever again. And take the damn thing down and put it quietly away?
What have we got to lose? A proud tradition of hatred, murder, national divisiveness?
The Battle Hymn of the Republic has always been a much better song than Dixie, which my friend Andre thinks is the reason why the North won the war.
Think of what would have happened if the South won the war.
Think of what would have happened if the Nazis won the war.
(I for one wouldn’t be sitting here typing on my computer!)
May all beings everywhere be happy and free from suffering.