Mar 31, 2014 | Uncategorized
I was told recently The New Me is “boomer lit.”
Whoopee, I’m a genre. Am I a genre? Or just getting old?
Seriously, when I hear the word boomer, I think about that TV show Here’s Boomer! The one with the adorable dog who had all those great adventures.
The bald truth is I’d rather be the dog Boomer than a Baby Boomer. Woof woof!

Mar 28, 2014 | Uncategorized
Kombucha. I’m hooked on it. Everybody at yoga is hooked on it; many times I run into people buying it at the liquor store (where they sell the good stuff that contains, heaven help us, alcohol).
I think they put freaking heroin in the stuff along with the ginger, the berries, the chia seeds or the mango. Why else do I have to have my fix every single day?
